Recently I've had visitor(s) to this wee blog that seem to think they need to hide their IP address via websites that supposedly facilitate anonymous browsing - "The Cloak" being the most recent.
So I wonder, do I care who reads my blog?
It's not like I have the delusion of being a great writer, or some profound command of the English language, or write anything that's mind-blowingly inspirational.. And it's not like I've got a huge readership ;) I suppose my answer is "No". I'm not fussed who you are or if you have an agenda. I've always scribbled my thoughts down and now I guess I just don't bother with paper as much. I write what I do and if people read it, great! If people read my words and it makes them have thoughts of their own, great! If people read my words and feel good about themselves, great! If people read my words and feel badly about themselves, great! If people read my words and decide the like me, or really dislike me, great!
I'll always have my point of view, and if you want to bother reading what I have to say, it's all good. I don't care who you are or where you come from. This whole anonymous browsing thing makes me wonder a little, what have you done to think you have to hide?
9:37 am
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