After many long years Bernie-bean and I had lunch yesterday. It was more a "what-to-have" expedition. We were meant to yumyums at Miss Mauds on Pier Street, but the place was packed when we showed up and the waiter at the door was a noob. A noob in the saddest sense; I'd never seen a waiter turn away so many potential customers with such poor form and lack of finesse, or so many customers walk away thinking/saying "God, what a jerk!". Okay, maybe it was just us and the people in front of us, but I'm sure there were more after!

Pancakes was the story of lunch. Pancakes at Carillon was the place. So many years in Perth, and I'd never given it a go. That said, we considered noodles at the noodle place which was closed, the Myer thing which we decided against and then couldn't be bothered walking back to the DJ's foodhall. I had the dessert one with strawberries; It was nice, but nothing to rave about. I do like that there's a bottle of maple syrup at the table that you could drink if you really wanted to get into the spirit of things.

Then there was the shoe shopping. I've decided that I need more shoes, even though I acknowledge I only have one pair of feet and a whole lot of footware. Here comes the justification, I don't have "grown-up" shoes... heh. I have lots of cool sneakers and thongs, and rainbow coloured socks to boot. Decided I loved a pair of pointy heels, real tall, pointy ones with star preforations. But shock horror they had nothing left for my giant feet - except in the sub-space of Perth that is Joondalup. So no sweet shoes for Clara.

Then there was the hunt for a place to get my nails done, and a good wax. Nails happened, wax didn't. So would rather wax happened, nails happen too.

Barbie dinner at Timmeh's momma's which was really pleasant. It felt good, almost good to feel accepted I suppose. Just speaking like grown-ups do. I don't really want to grow up, but it's nice to sometimes just not be ignored or glazed over. I get ignored a lot. Sad to say, but I do. Fucking pretentious wankers that I work for.

Anyhoo all in all a pretty sweet day. I really want prawns..

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