Had a conversation that seriously stated the obvious and it makes so much sense I went "woooo!". It went something like that:
Mate: But that's just silly and such a bitchy, brainless thing to do.
Me: I didn't get it either, but hey better to not be there to see it.
Mate: OMG I just realised it takes on to know one. F**k
Me: Errr yeah. I don't follow, think I'm having a stupid moment.
Mate: I just called myself bitchy and brainless cos it takes one to know one.
Me: Hahahahahahha. Too true
Mate: Think of all the evil things we think / say about people.. we can't really label them unless we are those munted f**ked up things.
Me: Scary thought. But totally true.
Boys call each other ar**holes and wankers and bastards and well all sorts of festive things both in jest and in all punch-you-in-the-face seriousness.
Girls seem to have more of a list of labels for positive and negative.. they're quite separate. Does that mean girls are more evolved and actually are the characters they try to stick on others?
Nothing written for ages. I can't seem to be bothered - so many random thoughts, too much can't be bothered-ness. Lots and nothing has happened, life goes on. Wooo! For life.
I'm excited about seeing some old friends tomorrow evening! W0oooo!
Back in twelve :)
Gladiator sandals are ridiculous.
They're absolutely hideous and imagine the tan lines! Yikes! And worse still, a heap of people that wear them don't get pedicures and have vomit-inducing cuticles. Everywhere I go this summer, chicks are walking around in these silly looking things - worse still, some of them have ham-feet! Ewwwww! To make matters worse, gladiator sandals are flats and do nothing to flatter shorter women. I don't care if you delude yourself into thinking you have slim legs, those damned straps cut your legs off at the ankle and make your legs look like stumps straps on the end. The multitude of straps and clunky bits do nothing to create a pretty picture.. unless you have perfect legs that go all the way to your armpits. What hope do us mere mortals have if even Rihanna can't make these hideous knee-high Balenciagas look palatable?
I will admit to having purchased a pair of the wretched things in July last year for what worked out to be AUD$8 in Hong Kong whilst on holiday. Back then, no one wore them. They were one of my many novelty buys and I ventured out of the house a few times with them only to have people ask me where I got the damned things. They looked silly then, and they sure as hell look silly now.
But the gladiator inspired heels.... those have some redeeming qualities. I think they do anyway. Simply because they're heels. Not the gumby-style kitten heels (think 1.5 inches) that make fat calves look fatter, but decently tall heels that accentuate and lengthen the line of the leg.. like these: OMG Jimmy Choos!
I bought these Braziallian leather ones today : I'm not sure how much I love them, but they made my chubby legs look less chubby. For AUD$50 I'll give them a go - until I see the photos and think I have ham feet! We'll see that happens. What this space. Hahahahahaha.
Recently I've had visitor(s) to this wee blog that seem to think they need to hide their IP address via websites that supposedly facilitate anonymous browsing - "The Cloak" being the most recent.
So I wonder, do I care who reads my blog?
It's not like I have the delusion of being a great writer, or some profound command of the English language, or write anything that's mind-blowingly inspirational.. And it's not like I've got a huge readership ;) I suppose my answer is "No". I'm not fussed who you are or if you have an agenda. I've always scribbled my thoughts down and now I guess I just don't bother with paper as much. I write what I do and if people read it, great! If people read my words and it makes them have thoughts of their own, great! If people read my words and feel good about themselves, great! If people read my words and feel badly about themselves, great! If people read my words and decide the like me, or really dislike me, great!
I'll always have my point of view, and if you want to bother reading what I have to say, it's all good. I don't care who you are or where you come from. This whole anonymous browsing thing makes me wonder a little, what have you done to think you have to hide?
Who would have thought after Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BTVS), Angel, Firefly and The West Wing, I'd finally find another television series that I'm completely fascinated by. Dexter. Thanks to A2 I began with season one.. and before I knew it, it had been two days and I needed season two.. and three.
With thanks to wikipedia, Dexter, the television series is: "an American television drama series based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay and adapted for television by Emmy Award-winning screenwriter James Manos, Jr., who wrote the pilot episode. Set in Miami, the series centers on Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a serial killer governed by an ambiguous moral code who works for the Miami Metro Police Department as a blood spatter analyst."
Dexter Morgan is wonderful! He's an intriguing character with so many facades for development. He's so wonderfully detached, it's almost a dream. I'm not ecstatic that my new favourite fictional character is a murderous serial killer, but he is terribly endearing. He joins the ranks of Spike (from BTVS), Angel (BTVS and Angel), Legolas (Lord of the Rings), Giles (BTVS) and Faith (again BTVS) in my list of all time favourite TV characters.. all of which, aside from Legolas, have a wee bit of darkness within.
I enjoyed the first three seasons of Dexter so much, I went and got the omnibus so I get to say I'll feel less empty until season four begins *hahahahaha* I've made it through the first nine chapters - it's definitely a little darker than the stuff on telly, but it's a page-turner!
There's been a lot going on lately, some little things some not so little. Still top of the list is the fires that are devastating country Victoria.
They're calling it bushfires, but sadly some of the blazes have been lit by arsonists. It's the worst bushfire disaster in Australia - ever. The death toll is closing in on 200, heaps of homes destroyed and over 5000 people are now homeless. Strong winds and sweltering 45C+ heat have aided the nightmare of fire storms, destroying whole country towns and properties.* All images from the ABC
The people of Australia have banded together on this one, with millions collected in mere days. No donation is too small - please help if you can. The Australian Red Cross has set up the Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009 to assist the families and communities affected. You can donate online, or at many of your local stores, supermarkets of banks.
I've been overwhelmed and inspired by how much Australians are willing to do to help, I'm more proud than ever to be a part of this lucky country.
+ Geekish Tendencies................................≥09%
++ Geek.............................................≥15%
+++ Total Geek......................................≥25%
++++ Major Geek.....................................≥35%
+++++ Super Geek....................................≥45%
++++++ Extreme Geek.................................≥55%
+++++++ Geek God....................................≥65%
+++++++! Dysfunctional Geek.........................≥75%
I scored.. 28.40237%
Muahahahaha haha ha haha
And a bit of a geek I seem to be.
OMG I swear my triceps are in a world of damage. Think fatigue + soreness.
I want it to feel good, but I'll be deluding myself :|